Post-Journal Paper COBEP/SPEC Presentation
The organizing committee is excited to announce the post-journal presentation sessions at COBEP/SPEC 2023. This new initiative will provide an opportunity to the authors of published journal papers to present their work live to the COBEP/SPEC audience. This new initiative will help the journal authors advocate their published ideas, while at the same time, draw attention to both the participating journals and the COBEP/SPEC conference. This will be “presentation only”, as the published journal paper will not be included into the COBEP/SPEC proceedings. A certificate of presentation will be offered as a token of recognition.
Eligible papers must be published during the period of Jan 1st, 2022 and May 31, 2023.
List of Journals from SOBRAEP and PELS societies:
- Revista Eletrônica de Potência (SOBRAEP)
- IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
- IEEE Power Electronics Letters
- IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
- IEEE Power Electronics Magazine
- IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics
Presentation Session Structure
For the first COBEP/SPEC post-journal presentation, we envision to have multiple sessions. The planned topics of those session will be consistent with the COBEP/SPEC technical program scope.
Authors of the journal publications in the above identified topics, who wish to present the work at COBEP/SPEC 2023, will need to send the published journal paper (pdf format) through the COBEP/SPEC portal by June 1, 2023. Presenters and authors selected in the special session will be notified with the presentation details by the COBEP/SPEC Technical Committee.
Registration Requirement
Full registration for COBEP/SPEC is required.